Why Choose Custom Etched Glass for Those Shower Doors in Brooklyn, MI?

by | Dec 6, 2016 | Home Improvement

Remodeling a bathroom involves deciding what elements will stay and which ones need to go. The decision to invest in new Shower Doors in Brooklyn MI has already been made. What remains is to decide what kind of glass design is right for those doors. One way to go is custom etched glass. Here are some of the reasons why this approach is worth considering.

A Unique Touch

Most of the other elements of the bathroom can be found in homes all over the country. Even the shower doors proper are a mass-produced design. In order to have something that’s unique in the space, why not some up with a design to etch in the glass? Creative types can come up with designs of their own and present them to a provider to bring to life. Others can work with an artist and come up with plans that the provider puts to good use. Once the work is finished, there will not be another set of etched Shower Doors in Brooklyn MI that have the same look.

Combining Privacy and More Light

Etching does help to obscure much of the view into the shower stall. That provides anyone who is using the shower a measure of privacy. At the same time, the etching does include clear spaces that allow more natural or ambient light into the stall. That’s particularly helpful if the new bathroom design does not include an overhead light fixture in the stall.

Unifying the Look of the Renovated Bathroom

The custom design can set the tone for the accessories and other elements used to decorate the space. For example, if the etching has a beach motif, that means using certain colors and accessories that carry the theme to other areas of the room. When the etching has more of a woodland feel, that paves the way for using darker earth tones for the tile, the flooring, and the towels.

Why settle for the mundane when there are so many other ways to make those shower doors a focal point in the bathroom? Talk with the team at Maple City Glass Inc today and find out more about the process of etching. In no time at all, a design can be chosen, and the work will be underway.

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